Support the project the Community Transformation Centre calls

“the Most Exciting Affordable Housing Project in Canada right now.”

Housing affordability has reached crisis levels affecting more and more Canadians, and at the same time, we have to drastically change the way we design our communities to ease our environmental impact.

Glassworks Village has land and the vision to become a model for innovative affordable sustainable housing solutions. 

Be part of the solution! Contribute now to make Glassworks Village a reality, and receive a charitable tax receipt from our partners at Small Change Fund.

Join the 150+ members who believe that affordable and sustainable living IS possible

How will your donation help?

This project has grown from the seed of an idea through generous local and federal grants and the contributions of dozens of community members and monthly sustainers has allowed us to purchase the beautiful 46 acres of land in Owen Sound.

The next stage of the project is wildly expensive, bringing on expert teams to help with the geological, civil engineering, planning and architectural studies to get us to shovels in the ground.

Your donation at this vital stage will turn Glassworks into a living model for how to live better on our planet and within our means.  

Donate now to receive a charitable tax receipt through out Partners at the Small Change Fund.

Or, become a monthly sustainer - monthly contributions from supporters like you help to pay the mortgage on the land and support our part time staff person.

Our Supporters

The Community Foundation Grey Bruce encourages endowment building and facilitates philanthropic partnerships within all communities in Grey and Bruce, now and for future generations.

Since 2008, Small Change Fund has been the easy and effective way for communities across Canada to start right, continue strong and amplify their impact. And the smart way for people with vision to get behind them.

Funded by the Government of Canada, the Investment Readiness Program (IRP) supports social purpose organizations as they contribute to solving pressing social, cultural and environmental challenges across Canada.

At the Centre for Changemaking and Social Innovation (CCSI), the goal is to support individuals and organizations build flourishing communities and economies.

The Community Housing Transformation Centre works with housing organizations across the country to drive transformation, sustainability and growth in community housing.

CMHC exists for a single reason: to make housing affordable for everyone in Canada.

New Commons Development is a non-profit real estate development company that works with partners to realize project goals and community outcomes.